Sunday, February 12, 2012

On the Downhill Side

Here we are looking at the mid point of our time here and what a ride it's been since August when some things lined up and we finally said "Screw it, enough talk, we're going". Looking back on it, what have we accomplished in the last five months? I sat down with a Pacifico and shot of Don Julio and started a list.

-decided to move to another country
-told the grandparents we were moving
-packed up and rented our home
-rented a home in Mexico sight unseen
-bought surfboards?
-got the family and dog safely to Mexico
-lived through a hurricane and tropical storm threat

-put the kids in a new school
-set up a new business and attracted clients
-took Spanish lessons
-learned to surf, including Alex, and love it
-made new friends in a new culture
-learned that you don't buy new stuff when it breaks, you fix it or learn to live without it
-have realized that less is so much more
-learned how to make home made dog food
-learned that very rarely will anything happen as you planned or in the timeframe you expect
-learned again that everyone is worth knowing in some way...just some at a distance
-got some of the grandparents and friends to actually visit or make plans to visit
-learned to homeschool and as a result learned more about our kids
-learned to roll with the situation at hand and NOT freak out if something goes wrong

Though we have only reached the half-way point I'm sure this list is lacking a few items. I think I will have to edit this list somewhat and republish the post as I look back at it this summer. So far, so good.

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