Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Sayulita

So, we have had guests for the last two weeks. First Ozzy's mom and step dad came to visit, then my friend, "Captain Carrie" as my kids call her, came. Both visits were great. I was so glad that friends and family wanted to come and see where we live, our day to day experiences, and get a feel for our little village and lives here in Mexico. No one asked to go home early so that is a good sign.

Now that everyone is gone I am remembering why "I" love Sayulita and not wondering and worrying about what our visitors from the north think about where we have uprooted our family to.

Where to start....Might as well start in the morning..
-I gradually wake up while laying in bed watching the sun rise, occasionally one of my children will join me.
-I make my way out to the living room and look at the surf to see what the waves will be like for paddle surfing, grab a cup of coffee, open the doors to hear and gaze at the ocean, wake up and whale watch. There is usually activity at around 8 am. I literally sit on my couch look out to the ocean and if I see activity, grab the binoculars and watch. Yesterday I saw a whale jump entirely out of the water. It was pretty flippin amazing.
-Ozzy and I drop the kids at school and head out to paddle surf for three hours, depending on the day. This is a great time for us to do something we love together, without being interrupted by the kids every minute, and get either a great work out or get hammered, depending on the day, as well as visit with our local friends that are on the beach for their am activities.
-After lunch and homework we head back to the beach with the kids to release some of their energy, and usually meet visitors to Sayulita or friends again. But either way, it is more time to hang out together and as a family.
-In between all this time we are grocery shopping or walking around town to do something else. By being out and about means that you WILL run into many people that you know, so now your errands have turned into social time, which is great but now life turns into "Mexico time". No one here is in any hurry for anything. Your day could turn into anything.
-I love driving or walking and yelling out to friends saying hola, constantly being met by a friendly face that is happy to see you and vice versa. The kids love this as well, as they enjoy seeing their school friends as well as many other people around town.
-Another thing I love is the fresh Yellowfin Tuna that we have discovered at the fish market in La Cruz, about 20 minutes away. You can literally buy tuna caught same day, four fillets for around $13 US. We have become addicted and will never be able to eat or buy a $30 meal of any tuna dish ever again. It is insanely good and ridiculously priced.
-I love the warmth, wearing a bathing suit and being tan.
-I love the culture, the locals and the people that have chosen this lifestyle, I feel a connection to them.
-And to end the day, when I wake up at my usual 2 am, which I don't love, I love seeing the moons incredible refection on the ocean beaming through my bedroom window. It is literally out of a National Geographic magazine.
We need to take care of this planet on which we live, it is so full of beauty!!

This is what I love, there are many things that frustrate the hell out of me. That will be another blog post, maybe...


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