Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sayulita Grunge

When you walk around town you see all sorts of people. You can generally tell who is a resident vs who is a visitor by ones' level of "Sayulita Grunge". What is "Sayulita Grunge"? My definition is a little different than the dictionary's but it is definitely a style of sorts here. Lot's of things go into "Sayulita Grunge". A "Sayulita Grunge Tan" is the one that stands out the most to me. It is a tan built by lots of small doses of sun. The brown of ones' skin is not so intense with distinct lines that show where the tan stops and starts. It's more like soft tanned leather that shows a patina no matter what the strap lines, no sock or sandal lines, no farmers' tan etc. Mix in some sweat, sand and some village dust that does not quite ever wash off and you've got a "Sayulita Grunge Tan". "Sayulita Grunge Clothing" is generally faded and or close to rotting. Clothing literally disintegrates on your body here. One tends to wear things over and over since the amount of options needed is generally fewer and the same stuff is worn year round.(I do have to say that a pair of Patagonia surf trunks I have worn non stop on this adventure and a previous trip have continued to hold up amazingly well.) Personal grooming, haircuts and shaving etc, are something that gets done when it suits the individual not the public. Make up, hair spray, gel, No. I am by no means being critical of the "Grunge" level of folks in town. In fact, our family has been here long enough to have attained a sufficient level of "Grunge" that the vendors don't even try to sell to us as we walk by since they have learned that "locals" don't buy their crap as much as tourists do. "Sayulita Grunge" is even a badge worn with pride in a strange way since you just don't see it from crispy week long wedding visitors or day tourists from Vallarta. I can honestly say that our family loves being "Sayulita Grunge" and we will certainly keep working on it!

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