Sunday, December 11, 2011

Handyman Ozzy

The school Alex and Trace attend isn't exactly Jeremy Ranch Elementary School back in Park City equipped with Mac computers, library, cafeteria, classroom aids and electricity. (Yes, electricity) As Ashley has said previously the school is run by two dedicated women but who have little time, money or skill to really fix anything and it is up to donations and parental efforts to help the school out. I've been pitching in at the school after classes are over hanging donated ceiling fans, fixing bathroom doors, painting, cleaning etc. I have the tools and knowledge to help and I enjoy it.

The "Maestra" in charge who is a tough but caring woman when it comes to the kids certainly seems to appreciate the help and I think she gives me a little break concerning my lack of Spanish skills because of it...a good thing since she scares me a little. The truth is that the school needs tons of help but in some ways as long as these 4 to 6 year old kids have a safe, caring place to learn for few hours a day isn't that what's important? Anyway, we appreciate the school allowing our kids to attend and I will continue bringing my tools in as needed the second half of the year.

1 comment:

  1. And this is exactly how he dresses and oh does he look HOT!

