Thursday, January 3, 2019

El Toro - The Celebration Of The Virgin Of Guadelupe

The Celebration of the Virgin of Guadelupe is one of the kid's favorite events in town.  It occurs in early December so it is a bit before the intense high season begins.  As a result it feels more like a "local" festival than one filled with vacationing visitors.  One of the most popular events of the Festival happens at night in the Plaza when a metal wire sculpted "bull" or "Toro" is loaded with fireworks, hoisted overhead and run through the Plaza.  At the same time dozens if not dozens upon dozens of local kids try to out run the Toro as it makes laps around the Plaza shooting sparks along the way.  Depending on the night hundreds of spectators look on and it is absolutely the best kind of chaos that would NEVER happen in the States.

In the red shorts Trace avoids the rush of the Toro.  Photo by Camilla Fuchs.
Great shot of the Toro by Derrick Lundy.
Here is a short video of the awesome chaos by Curt Barter.

Many of the parents we know, including myself, tend to hang out at a local bar with a good view of the Plaza and watch while sipping tequila or some kind of cocktail from the bar.  The week or so long Festival is always a good excuse to hang out later than we usually would on a school night.  Alex and Trace absolutely LOVE it!

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