Friday, May 5, 2017

Roosters - Neighborhood Sounds

Almost three years ago we move across town from the hill on the north end of town called Nanzal and began renting a place on the south end of town just off the Punta Mita Highway.  We gave up our ocean views and sunsets for next door neighbors, easier commutes to school and work and level walking distance into town.  The North end generally is full of nightly rentals, larger accommodations and less traffic.  The South end is generally more local.  The sites and sounds of life coming from local residents neighborhoods vs  the sounds of life coming from nightly resident neighborhoods is totally different.  One of the biggest differences is what animals you hear.

When you live where we do now you can generally get a good idea what time it is base on whether you can hear the local roosters.  If I get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and do not hear any crowing yet then I know it is not 4:30 am just yet and have time to get a couple hours more sleep.  The crowing can be deafening sometimes.  I just attributed it to living in a more local neighborhood where so many roosters and chickens roamed free.  Over the last 6 months or so, several trees have been removed from the neighborhood that we see from our back yard.  I never was able to see any of these buildings before and then suddenly they were there.  One of them is a full fledged Rooster Condominium complex.  I always knew there were roosters and we see them everyday but I had no idea that most of the roosters that I had been hearing for so long actually had accommodations.  Am I surprised?  No, not really.  It just kind of confirms what I may have suspect all along but just couldn't see it.  Sounds like "Home".  The complex pictured is on some appreciating real estate.  I wonder how long the owner will keep it that way.  Times are changing.

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