Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Mexicuted, Part II

So, where to start.  If you follow the blog, I wrote about our summer travels and had to take the kids to my sisters because I had to work and Ozzy had a huge project that must be completed by the end of August and he couldn't watch the kids.  Well,  that project is still not complete, not because of Ozzy, but because the whole project continues to be behind schedule.  Yes, it's construction but every week since August it has been hurry up and wait.  EVERY SINGLE WEEK!  There is always a time crunch to get the project done that honestly is a mess on all fronts.  Problem solving in our lives needs to be accomplished in a certain time frame because the problems I am solving need to be taken care of in a certain amount of time before I have to get back to the States to work. I (we) depend on information, the right information, not up in the air information or information that we aren't being told. Ozzy can do it, but as I have mentioned he cannot lose hours in the shop working and because the project that "HAD" to be done in August now "HAS" to be done this week, no wait, next week, no, today, no, last week, no, ???.  The kitchen is still not ready for installation, but the pieces need to be in last week, but what needs to be done for the pieces to fit that I told you last week needed to be done are still not figured out therefore the pieces cannot go in today but I have a truck and 9 guys here to carry this 800 pound piece that you told me HAD to go in last week but the area is not ready for it to go in so just set them off to the side and bring the 9 guys back again(paid) when we might be ready yesterday.  Oh yeah, after you get it in place we need you to move it because we are actually not ready for it to go in even though we insisted it go in last week.  And once it is finished, and sealed and glued down we need you to cut holes in it because there are brackets for windows that we did not tell you about when you built it.  When you cut the concrete don't damage it or you will have to replace it. We want perfect cuts with no chips.  Oh wait,  where we told you to cut for the brackets it is not actually where we want you to cut it.  Good thing you didn't cut it yet.  SIGH!!   Sorry, I got off on a tangent.  This has been our hour by hour lives here, our sighs, our, "What the F@#%s".   More Ozzy than me, but when he is a mess it makes me a mess.  I make sure he has plenty of Pacifico and Don Julio.

So, tangent done, the main point is that we are living our lives around this project. I am bidding my work schedule around this project, and our getting things done before I leave so Ozzy doesn't have to spend time doing what I could do because he needs to be here for this project. The problem is that  all of this is being done around the "project peoples" schedules.  Read the above paragraph again if you didn't understand their schedule the first time.  EXACTLY!!

Okay, enough about the "project".  But it is a constant in our lives and has much to do with how the other aspects of our lives fall into place.  This is not necessarily a "Mexico" issue but a reality in our lives at the moment.

It has been our experience in Mexico is what has to be done now takes at least a month because of all of the extra paperwork, the mañanas, the siestas, the communication between chiefs, or lack there of, or when someone is NOT telling you what you can do do help get this moving somewhat efficiently.  Not fast but "efficiently".  We have had so many, "That would have been great information to know back when we..." moments.  Information that would save weeks, if not months, of time.  It would also save us money, mileage, tons of stress, frustrations and questions.  It is just crazy and so F#$%ing annoying.  This is where I want to loose it and go postal and question myself and my strength to live here. But, oh, it is cultural.  I understand that, but it is hard when the culture in which you have lived all but 2 years of your life is slower than what you are used to.  It is hard to understand that it is not at all important to the person with whom you are paying and depending on, the person whose job it is, (meaning, this is their job, the job that they get paid to do to make a living) to get this done today, tomorrow, next week, or next month.

 I am only speaking of our experiences as of late.  We understand things are not the same here and we have to live with that.  We have had incredible experiences with locals helping us ASAP, having all of the information we need, going overboard.  But as we all know it is those shitty experiences that we seem to remember the most.

Stay with me.  I told you I was all over the place,  there is a story here.

But not until Part III.  But that will not be until January because I have to run off to work and miss yet another Christmas with my kids.  So Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, Happy skiing and Happy surfing.

Stay tuned O and A readers.

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