Monday, July 22, 2013

Graduation Day At Escuela del Mundo

A few weeks ago, Escuela del Mundo celebrated the end of the school year with a graduation ceremony and a performance for parents, family and friends.  The graduation focused on two age groups.  Kids who are moving from "Casa de Niños" up to first grade were recognized as well as kids who were leaving the school now that they had completed the highest grade offered there.

Trace was part of the group that was moving to the first grade.  Yep, our little guy is going to the "big school" now with his sister.   Grades 1-3 are all in the same room with the same teacher so they will be together all the time.  I would really like to see them separate during the day while they are at school and learn and grow on their own.  Alex will continue to do this and I hope Trace, once he is comfortable, will do this as well.  This type of setting is typical of a Montessori approach from what I understand.

The day began with a ceremony for the graduates.  They were presented a small plant to represent growth and then a small wish written on a piece of paper was burned and the ashes placed in the plant.  The school Director, Julie, who apparently has a soft spot for Trace, said a few words to recognize Trace and his accomplishments.  Some of the older grads were barely holding back tears as the reality of the fact that they were actually leaving the only school they have ever known began to set in.  Some of them have been at Escuela del Mundo since the very beginning, seven years ago.

Trace is recognized with other graduates.

Please note that the kids don't usually wear "toga" type attire on a daily basis.  The performance during the afternoon festivities required the kids to be dressed up.

The impending rain held off and it was soon time for the performance.  Each level at the school had it's own performance and at the end the whole school came together with parents and friends for a united celebration.

Alex becomes the "lizard"
Alex gives her part of the ceremony

Please excuse my interpretation of the details of the presentation.  Much of it was lost on my limitations that still exist with Spanish.  From what I could tell, each student or groups of students was given a food or animal to represent in Mexican culture.  Alex was a lizard.  Trace was a coyote.  Then the students either gave a small verbal presentation about their given subject, tried to mimic it's movements or both.  Trace and his buddy, Bo, became "coyotes" while Alex approached the microphone walking like a "lizard" to give her part of the presentation.

Trace's class waits their turn to perform

Amigas-Adesha, Alex and Luna

The amount of effort some of the parents and friends of the school was beyond impressive.  Costumes, music, sets were all designed and built on a very small budget relying on creativity and talent rather than the ability to go out and buy what they needed.  The results were fantastic!

Waiting and watching Workshop II perform

Workshop II girls perform

Eventually, it was time for the Dragon!!  How "a dragon" fits into all this is really a mystery to me and I will have to do some studying or at least ask some questions.  At the very least, it united all the kids as they lined up behind the monster holding hands as one group.  Parents, family and friends joined in as well uniting the school community in one common chain as the dragon made it's way around the campus.

The Dragon

Trace receives his diploma

Eventually all the students had their chance in the spotlight and it was time to pass out diplomas.  Trace and his fellow graduates received their diplomas and stood infront of the audience to be recognized.  At this time, all teachers, workshop leaders, school volunteers etc were recognized as well.  Without the many "friends of the school" volunteering their time, skills and talents to the children the school would be certainly less colorful for everyone.

So, here ends our first year at Escuela del Mundo.  EdM has provided our kids a safe and supportive place to grow and learn as we live here and we are lucky to have become part of such a great community of parents and staff.  Our world here in Mexico is so much bigger because of our enrollment at the school, an extension of our family.  EdM is a school started by and is run by parents, Mexican parents, who admittedly are learning as they go.  Families coming from other learning situations need to understand this.  What started as a homeschooling group seven years ago has turned into a fantastic alternative/compliment to other offerings in the area.  Never have we felt like we were an outsider.  Even from day one.  This does not mean that this year was without it's challenges.  We saw a few families/friends move on to other schools because of a staff member issue at one of the school's levels.  Something that took time for the administration to deal with and was hard to see.  Fortunately this created a catalyst for growth. Next year we will see new staff at the school who have a different level of training and new energy to help our kids thrive.   A higher level of staff training and appropriate equipment have been purchased so the school's desire to follow a Montessori path can be strengthened.

The start of the new school year is only about a month away.  Summer break is short here in Mexico.  We will absolutely be returning to Escuela del Mundo in August eager to see old friends and new faces.


  1. Hello Ozzy,

    We met last Fall and you introduced me to Escuela del Mundo. We visited the school and fell in love as it is everything we believe. I too am a teacher and started a homeschool cooperative in the states and it grew! We decided, however, we wanted to savor life beyond our boarders.

    I have tried contacting the school without avail. I know the school year ends in July (I think) and it is a very busy time. I WOULD HONOR YOUR ASSISTANCE for connecting me with the school. We are returning to Sayulita for several months...potentially longer depending on how school is going for my 9yro son.

    I anxiously await your response. You can contact me direct at


  2. Sabrina-Good to hear from you again. I've been in contact with some other families considering a move and wondered what your plans were. Yes, the school is closed and the staff is out getting some earned time away. I am not sure how often they check email but I have two addresses for them. The one you have from the time you were here may have changed. Here are the two I have. I would send messages to both since I no longer remember which one is the most recent. Suerte. and

