Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Happy Anniversary To Us!

We did it. We have been here a year. It flew by, not surprisingly. In the beginning we put it out there to friends and family that we would only do this for a year. Underneath, I think Ozzy and I knew it would be more, but a year seemed to settle others nerves so we stuck with that.

I cannot imagine leaving only after a year. It takes a good four months to acclimate to a new country, another four to figure stuff out, how things work but these can be intertwined in months, another 5-6 months to really feel a part of the community and have good friends, etc... And after you do all that it is finally time to sit back in your "home" and be able to relax because you have " done it". You survived moving you, your young children and dog to a foreign country, started a legal business, and have lots of interest in that business, you have made good friends who are always up for doing something fun, especially if it involves surfing. Why would you leave now after all of the hard work you put in? Your children are speaking Spanish, they have tons of friends and freedom that they would not have in the States. I know it sounds crazy, kids have more freedom in Mexico than in the USA? Yep. I can have dinner here and let my kids leave the restaurant to go play and I don't worry about something happening to them. Granted the restaurants are a little different here. They are very small, open air and you usually sit on the street.

Why leave now, after a year I feel as though I have just figured it out, and yet I still have so much more to learn. I have gotten out of my first traffic ticket as the driver. Sometimes it helps to not speak the language. As the saying goes, "Money talks and bullshit walks." I can only imagine how much money and time I would have saved my dad if I could have used the same method in the states.

After a year I have realized that I really don't need Costco. I am not dissing Costco, I love that place, but I don't need to buy in bulk anymore, not sure why but is just doesn't seem necessary. It has taken a year but I can find everything I need close by.

Today, five days after our anniversary Alex "catched the best wave of her life" and "the biggest wave of her life". (We are working on her grammar). She was so excited. She is in a surf camp and Sergio, who sponsored her in her local public kindergarten graduation, (see post) is her instructor. She told me that it was a big wave and that she was scared but Sergio told her that it would be okay so she went for it. And she catches the best wave of her life. I love it because I totally know that feeling. She was so proud and now, addicted, and she was in the main break. That is huge!

I love seeing how happy my children are. How much they are learning about culture, people, life, language. They are free to love and learn without outside expectations. They are doing it on their time frame, in their comfort zone and they are doing an amazing job.
I am so proud of them and their growing personalities, use of dual languages, adaptability of this country, interaction with people here whether they are locals or foreigners. It doesn't matter to them who, where, or what you are, come from or have, if you give them a smile and a second they will not forget you. They are able to have conversations with adults, ask interesting questions, look people in the eye, be polite but they also turn back into children when they are tired, hungry, worn out.

And Ozzy and I are great, happy and busy. Ozzy just went back to the States, the first time in a year, to clean up the house for new renters. I stayed here with the kids. It was great. We spent much needed quality time together. It also made me realize that I live here now. Carpooling the kids to school, multiple play dates, birthday parties, grocery shopping, taking Dillon out. This is where I live! I love it, I respect it and I don't want to leave it.

1 comment:

  1. Here's to many more wonderful years in Sayulita. Your blog inspires many and I look forward to introducing myself to your amazing family when I move to Sayulita later this year.

