Sunday, March 11, 2012


One of the many things I love about Mexico is the food. Just about everthing we eat is fresh. No preservatives. And the cost. I laugh when I walk away from the local market thinking, "I got all that fresh, delicious food for that amount", instead of "I must have left a bag in the store because how did one small bag of food cost me $50?" I don't know if I will ever be able to consciously shop at Whole Foods again.

All of the food in this picture plus 2 dozen eggs, 20 corn tortillas, 4 heads of garlic and 3 sticks of butter cost about $23 US.

Same day caught and bought at the fish market in La Cruz, a town over. All of this Yellowfin Tuna cost only $7 US. We have become addicted. Actually we have been eating so much that we needed to take a break.

Poke dish that Carrie taught me to make when she was here. Thank you Miller!!!

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