Tuesday, January 3, 2012

First Mexican Christmas

As we have mentioned many times over in our blog posts we are constantly trying to "go small", simplify, live minimally, appreciate family and happiness. So Christmas was no exception. Unfortunately I was not here for any part of Christmas, celebration, activities, but there was a lot going on here to celebrate the holiday from what I hear. First off I bought a very small Christmas tree on the street, and it came with ornaments.

I had to do a little something. I left town right before everything started happening, stuff had to be made, preparation for parades, gifts at school, you name it. And I left it all on Ozzy. He totally stepped up to the plate as always and did an awesome job. Next was school activities. The kids had to make something very creative that would hold the candy that the Maestras were going to give them. I hear there was some spectacular stuff coming to school. Awesome Ozzy did a great job making the kids rocketship sleds.

Then there was the school christmas party. As we have mentioned before, there is not much money given to the school so it is a tradition that the kids dress up and go around town to the local venders and ask for money so that they can have their Christmas party. We didn't get the "memo" on the dress up part so our kids, and Maggie, were the only ones not in costume. Oh well, at least they participated in the begging.

On Christmas Eve the family went to John and Amy's for dinner, story readings, the traditional pinata beating. (If you ever have a pinata at a party and Alex is there make sure she goes last to give the other kids a chance. Especially if it is at the hosts party.)
So, Merry Christmas. We decided on only a few gifts for the kids.

We bought a dress
and Ariel doll for Alex and I think Trace got a matchbox car

and a picture of a boogie board which I finally found today. They were totally okay with that. Ozzy told them that Santa didn't get the change of address notification and that they would get stuff when I got back. Thanks to the grandparents monetary gifts, I bought them wet suit shirts, books and flashcards. They also received small gifts from the grandparents to open. They didn't know the difference in what they got, they just wanted to unwrap something. We were so proud of them and their reaction to the very small Christmas.
So, the holidays are over, the crowds are diminishing, the festivities have subsided, school is back in session and we are trying to get back on a routine. Who am I kidding? That word doesn't exist here, along with the word "now". But I love it that way.
I wasn't here for any of it, but I think that it was a pretty great Christmas, minimal, simple and goods times with great friends.

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