Sunday, June 14, 2020

Alex Graduates Secundaria - June 2020

Well, that's a wrap.  The next level of school for Alex ended this week with a small, parent organized ceremony of the graduates, only a few parents and teachers.  "Secundaria" is considered 7th-9th grades and would be similar to Junior High School.  It is the last grade that Alex and her classmates are able to attend at Costa Verde International School aka CVIS.

Alex is standing 5th from the left.
Alex graduates with her good friend Ava, who she has been friends with since diapers.  Her friend, Luna, is also part of this class and has been with Alex during all her years at Escuela del Mundo and CVIS.  Some of these graduates have been together since beginning school and now everyone is going in separate directions for 10th grade.  Some are headed off to Canada, the US or other parts of Mexico. Some will attend school locally or commute to high school options between Sayulita and Puerto Vallarta.

Alex and her "sister" Ava.

Like everyone else the kids have been home completing the school year online due to Mexico schools closing in March.  During this time Alex was able to make up ground with her advanced online Chemistry course.  A course outside the normal curriculum that was recommended to a small group of students by a teacher who left school mid year.  This left Alex to make her way though a demanding online science course on her own with no teacher support and her parents 35+ years removed from high school Chemistry and math.  She busted her ass and finished the course just before this party began and we are beyond impressed.  In the last few months she learned so much about managing time and how to take courses online.  A daily struggle turned into a major success that will help her at her next school which will be totally online.

Starting at the end of August Alex will be attending Laurel Springs Online School.  A decision that was made mostly by Alex.  All the area school options required a minimum commute of about 35-40 minutes one way on a road known for it's slow truck traffic and accidents.  A commute twice a day that we were not really comfortable with.  Alex really wasn't prepared to spend upwards of 1.5 hours each day in a car either followed by sitting down to complete her daily homework assignments.  This would really make it tough for Alex to pursue other things she enjoys as well.  So, we will see how it goes this first year.  We have had good reports from some families who use the school in the area. After completing her online Chemistry course she is so much better prepared to take on a full course load via this format.  Until then she has a couple months off and enjoy summer without the stress of her studies.  Felicidades Secundaria Class de CVIS of 2020!!

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