Sunday, July 14, 2019

Casa Pōno - The Pōno Suite Coming Together

It seems like forever since we have been trying to get the first level of the house to a point where it could actually be put out to the public for nightly rentals.  We have had friends and family stay with us and the suite has been a great space to offer to them and the feedback has been positive so far.

I am currently putting together some images to put out temporarily so that we can at least promote the rental property to the masses in the next few weeks.  We will have the full set of professional images done as well since my staging, lighting and old phone camera just don't do it much justice.  Plus, there are several things still needing some attention and added to make this space a real solid rental offering.

Details, details, details.  Mirrors, hooks, appliances, furniture, lighting, linens, decor, floor covering etc!  It never seems to end.  We can skimp on our own space upstairs and have done without lots of things in our own home but that just wouldn't fly in the apartment when someone is actually paying cash each night and fully expects things to be in place and usable.

Once we get to end of putting the space altogether and advertise it I think it will be a solid offering in the highly competitive rental market here.  We are not in this to compete with the guy down the street as much as we are eager to have a great space for people we know and then perhaps even cover a few bills with any income we generate.  We feel like we want to offer it to couples or perhaps small families since the space can sleep 3 very easily.

As I was taking the photos we had two very nice families stop by and ask it the space was for rent. There must have been some kind of "new rental" energy emitting from the space. I do not now if they were looking to rent the whole house or just the apartment but suddenly people were asking.

Wish us luck!

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