Thursday, July 19, 2018

Sewer Plant Project Update From GRUPO PRO Sayulita

The Sayulita sewer plant upgrades have been ready to happen but slow in coming.  The upgrade project spearheaded by GRUPO PRO Sayulita recently released this statement concerning the state of things.  We hope this is the breakthrough that town needs to help make Sayulita a much safer and healthier place to visit and live.  All photos by GRUPO PRO Sayulita.

GRUPO PRO Sayulita has provided our community with the following update regarding the water situation here in Sayulita. These words and this update comes directly from GRUPO PRO Sayulita and not Sayulita Life:
Many of you know the Ejido leadership took over Sayulita’s water/sewer utility a few weeks ago, and removed the plant manager from his position. The plant’s employees remain at the plant and continue to operate it.

The former manager pushed back against his removal. His supporters, including some important members of the Ejido, held a rally at the baseball field. At the rally, the former manager touted his 18 year record of accomplishment at the plant. A counter-narrative appeared in the local press, decrying the plant’s history of mismanagement and corruption.
Following these developments the Ejido responded by appointing a new water council that includes a member of the Infrastructure Committee. We understand the Ejido plans to form a legal corporation (Asociacion Civil, or AC) to operate the utility, to hire an administrator and an accountant, and to establish a tax ID with the Mexican tax agency SAT. If successful, this will mean a legal non-profit Mexican corporation will operate Sayulita’s water/sewer utility, subject to oversight and public accounting for receipts and expenditures.

In addition to the Ejido’s action, the state water agency CEA continues to make improvements to Sayulita’s sewage treatment plant, using government funds. They finished the concrete and stone river crossing connecting Calle Manuel Navarette to Avenida Palmar. They armored the north bank of the river with “baskets” filled with large rocks, and covered the river bed with reinforced cobblestones. This reinforcement may extend from the crossing to the beach.
CEA also began constructing a huge underground carcamo (holding tank) next to the plant. The tank may extend to nine meters below the surface, and will pump effluent into the plant for treatment at a precise rate. ProSayulita will cooperate with CEA on connecting the Gaviotas project to users and paving the broken areas of Manuel Navarette and Gaviotas.
We will continue to update you as things progress at the plant.
GRUPO PRO Sayulita

1 comment:

  1. How is the ocean off the main beach. We used to come to sayulita all the time? Are people getting sick from the water?

