Monday, April 9, 2018

Alex' New Passion - Horses - Guest Blog Contributor ALEX!!

Horse back ridding has always been interesting, whether my friend, Ava, invited me to a competition or I see one on the road, I’ve always loved the animal. I remember the first time I got on a horse, I remember falling off that same day, usually that would make someone quit or be scared to get back on, but not for me.

When I first went to Vista Paraíso to ride I was nervous and exited at the same time, I think the date was the 7th of October 2017. All the people and helpers were so nice, I felt like I had gone there several times before, but I hadn’t.

Since then, every Saturday I would go to horse and learn to tack up the horse, learn to walk, learn to trot, learn to canter and eventually learn to jump. I also got my own boots, chaps, jogpers (pants) and helmet.

I decided to start coming every Thursday to train and practice.
I competed for the first time last month. I remember not being able to think straight, I was so scared and nervous because I had never competed and it was one month and a half after I had started jumping. Right when I got into the arena all of my fear just went away, I jumped 50cm and only knocked over one pole so that meant I didn’t rank. The next day I wasn’t that nervous, and I ended up ranking and I got a medallion.

I have been continuing riding since that day, every Thursday and Saturday riding the horse that I love, Pegasus. He is a rescue from a really bad situation.

I’ve now jumped 80cm and every day I get comments of how awesome I ride and how fast I learned, and I am thankful for that.

1 comment:

  1. my girls also learned to ride and compete in Mexico. They made it to an international competition and had a great time before we came back to the USA (for high school). Have a great time!

